Loan agreement

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This course is designed for bankers and lawyers and anyone else who is involved in international finance and needs to understand the documentation. It is useful for beginners, to give them a comprehensive review of the loan agreement and the issues it raises. It is also useful for those with practical experience but who have not previously had any in depth formal training on the agreement, to help them fill in the inevitable gaps in their knowledge and to give them a framework in which to consolidate their practical knowledge. The course uses a version of the investment grade Loan Market Association (LMA) loan agreement as the basis for discussions.

Users access the modules in turn, and need to pass a test on the first module in order to be granted access to the next.For more details of the content and methodology, have a look at the course overview module below.

Please note that the course can be viewed on most devices but if you are using an iPhone you may need to refresh the page occasionally to speed up response time.

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